Choose LOVE not Fear

Walk strong and open heartedly on your spiritual path, receptive to being divinely guided every step of your way.

I feel strongly that all of us have the potential to be light workers and help others to shine their light through embracing and using our unique gifts and talents. That doesn't mean that we have to be spiritual teachers, yoga teachers etc, but we can inspire others through our words, actions, art, leading by example, being kind etc.
All of us can make a massive contribution to increase the vibration of humanity and the planet by simply starting to accept and love ourselves.

This love will have a ripple effect, affecting those people close to us and they will affect people close to them. So rather than blaming others for the state the world is in, let's take shared responsibility as we all have created this reality together.

It is time to choose love over fear and feed and nurture this love through smiles, random acts of kindness, spreading positive news, being of service and there is so much more that will help LOVE to grow.

Remember that all your efforts are seen, so don't be disheartened when you don't get an instant acknowledgement or appreciation.

Think about what or who has inspired you to make positive changes in your life and share this with others. Maybe think about getting involved in community projects or setting up your own meetup groups. Choosing love also means to choose connectedness rather than separation. Engaging with others and sharing our experiences is the most wonderful and powerful thing we can do.

Especially if we have lost ourselves and with that our self-confidence, coming together in groups with like minded people will help us to see our beauty and our wisdom and show us how much we have to share with others.

What we all have in common is that a spark has been ignited, we have been activated, we have remembered our soul and divine aspect. Once that has happened there is no going back! So best now is to go with the flow and let go of those old patterns and belief systems. And that can be scary!!!! But you have the hearts of spiritual warriors and with that the courage to truly trust and fully embrace your divine mission.

Remember to keep the balance and check in with yourself on a regular basis. Friends are always good at spotting what's going on for you especially when you can't see the forest for the trees..... It does happen. I know that well (-;
The ego is still there, ready to jump into action. So be aware of that and remind yourself what the aim of all your efforts is. What is your life mission?

My mission is to live a healthy and happy life, to spread the message of pure divine love and help others to find their light.

It took me some time to come to this realisation and I am doing my best, but of course there are days when fear has a strong grip over me and I find it difficult to choose love. So, don't get frustrated. The only failure in life is when you give up your efforts. AHO!!!!!!!!!
