New Moon Ancestral Connection Cacao Ceremony in Friedrichshain, Berlin
7:00 PM19:00

New Moon Ancestral Connection Cacao Ceremony in Friedrichshain, Berlin

New Moon in Picses

On this New Moon night journey with us to connect with your ancestors, the Ones that walked before you.

Know that the energies present with you right now have been brought forward through your ancestral lines. 

Your ancestors were at the time unable to heal disempowered stories and dissolve the energetic patterns holding them, but they are now lovingly watching your process and celebrate your potential of becoming. 

Remembering and honouring all of your ancestors, the loved ones as well as the challenging ones, is a practice that will help you to get to know yourself even more and fully stand in your power. 

cacao, shamanic journey, soundscapes, medicine music, guidance, community

Amplified by the medicine of Cacao you will experience a Shamanic Journey enhanced by sound scapes, medicine songs and guiding words so you can open your heart to the energy of your ancestors to fully receive their support and loving guidance.

Please email to book your place.

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Equinox Womb Healing Medicine Retreat in the Netherlands
to Mar 23

Equinox Womb Healing Medicine Retreat in the Netherlands

Are you ready to gather in Sisterhood and connect with your Inner Wise Woman?

Embark with us on a 4-day Healing Journey and Initiation into the Womb Mysteries during the Spring Equinox.

We are gathering our sisters to sit in sacred ceremony, share our stories, to dive deeply into the fruitful and rich darkness of our wombs and connect with our inner Wise Woman. 

🌙 Are you feeling disconnected from your creativity, vitality, and wisdom?

🌙 Are you not living the life you would like to live, and struggling to be completely yourself and show yourself?

🌙 Are you struggling in your relationships or feeling stuck in your life's journey?

🌙 Do you find yourself constantly giving without allowing yourself to receive?

🌙 Are you experiencing constant stress?

If any of these resonate with you, it might be time to reconnect with your womb—the sacred source of your feminine power and creativity.

What to expect:











DELICIOUS vegan/vegetarian food

with Nathalia and Hamaima

More information and how to book here

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Ancestral Healing Medicine Retreat in West - Cork, Ireland
to May 11

Ancestral Healing Medicine Retreat in West - Cork, Ireland

Join us on this 5-day Journey to connect with your Ancestors in a loving way, so with their help you can identify what discordant energies you might be holding that are ready to be brought into harmony.


There is possibly nothing more powerful than remembering and praying for our ancestors so we can dissolve discordant energies that stretch back through time.

Your mother and father are the gateway to your ancestral lines, serving as the vessels through which the legacy of your family is passed down to you. By remembering and honouring our ancestors, we not only pay tribute to those who have come before us but also pave the way for a healthier, happier, and more empowered life.

Though it may be challenging to extend forgiveness and love to ancestors who have caused suffering or pain, it is through this act of forgiveness that we can begin to heal the wounds of the past and break free from the burdens of ancestral karma. For as long as we hold onto resentment, the cycle of dysfunction and abuse will continue to echo through the generations. 

In acknowledging the impact of their actions and extending forgiveness, we create space for healing to take place not only within ourselves but also for those who walked before us and the ones that are yet to come.

what to expect:







ecstatic dance

visit to Sacred site

wild swimming




with Kelsey, Luke and Hamaima

Find out more here

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In your Element - Shamanic Kundalini Immersion in Sweden
to May 25

In your Element - Shamanic Kundalini Immersion in Sweden


Our Shamanic Kundalini Immersion in the stunning countryside of North Sweden will awaken you to your limitless potential through Ceremony, Breathwork, Kundalini Yoga, Devotional Practises, Voice activation and Earth Magic.

Join us for a powerful 4 day retreat, which has its roots in both the wisdom of Kundalini Yoga and profound shamanic practices, inviting you to explore what it means to be “in your element”, to fully vibrate in your own unique frequency.


Using voice activation to find your soul song is a very personal journey. It's about letting your own sound raw, unadulterated, and unfiltered—to emerge from forgotten depths.-

A powerful practice to remove layers of fear, judgment, and conditioning by reawakening the dormant frequencies within through breathwork, toning and song.

Your voice is the most beautiful instrument as you convey the distinct tune that your soul has carried from the beginning of time, reclaiming all of who you are.

Featuring Cacao Ceremonies, Kundalini Yoga and Meditation, Voice Activation, Medicine Music, Earth Magic, Fire Ceremony and Soulwhispers

With Johanna Hari Sant and Hamaima.

Find out more here

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Your Authentic Voice - Medicine Retreat in Berlin - Brandenburg
5:00 PM17:00

Your Authentic Voice - Medicine Retreat in Berlin - Brandenburg


Many of us have developed strategies to fit in, to dim our light, to censor what we share.

These strategies have served a purpose and were probably necessary at some point. However carrying on with these behaviours means that we are never truly ourselves. 

Explore through Voice, Sound Alchemy, Prayer and Dance who you truly are as you embark with us on a journey to reclaim your power and share your unique frequency. 

During this 4 day journey we will help you re-connect with the parts of your soul, that  are ready to return and give you the strength and courage to fully arrive in your current incarnation. 

what to expect:





sound healing

herbal walk

ecstatic dance


wild swimming




with Manu, Penelope and Hamaima

Find out more here

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Our Inner Children Medicine Retreat in Sweden
to Aug 5

Our Inner Children Medicine Retreat in Sweden

Join us on our 6-Day healing retreat to connect with your Inner Children.

They might hold deep wounds but at the same time great magic and most importantly the key to your Grounding here on Earth.

No matter how old we are our inner children need attention and care. Check in with them regularly as they express themselves through your emotions. What do they need to feel safe, free and joyful?

They will let us know what they/we truly need to lead a healthy, happy and empowered life. Rather than avoiding the heavier emotions that they might carry it is important to turn toward the pain that holds you back and to embrace that what resists, with love and tenderness just as you would embrace a child that is suffering.

What to expect.











with Nina Medicina, Johanna, Lluvia and Hamaima

Find out more here

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New Earth Immersion and Medicine Retreat in West - Cork Ireland
to Sep 14

New Earth Immersion and Medicine Retreat in West - Cork Ireland

We are calling those who are ready to remember and embody their divine purpose to a plant medicine retreat in Ireland an an immersion into the energies of the New Earth.

Join us on this 5 - day journey to discover and embody your Divine Mission.

Many of us sensitive souls are struggling with the dense energies that are still present on our planet Earth. We might not feel at home here with a lingering sense of not belonging and we find it hard to witness how the old energies are playing out right now through wars, power struggles, greed, abuse, materialism and more.

Let’s enter the New Earth Together…

These old energies are about to die out, but it takes every single one of us to break out of the old structures and create the new realities that our Mother Earth is asking for.

Let’s come together in sacred ceremony so we can enter the New Earth in our full humanness by embracing our light as well as our shadow and bring in fresh energies that are born from love and not from fear.

what to expect:











wild swimming





with Kelsey, Luke and Hamaima

Find out more here

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Imbolc - Ignite your Voice Cacao Ceremony in Rotherham, South Yorkshire
6:00 PM18:00

Imbolc - Ignite your Voice Cacao Ceremony in Rotherham, South Yorkshire

For this Ceremony Shamanic Practitioner Hamaima and Kundalini Yoga Trainer Sat Nadar will merge their modalities and energies to create a powerful conduit for self-expression, healing and transformation.

Enhanced by the medicine of Cacao, through Kundalini Meditation, Chanting and Shamanic Ritual learn to channel your own truth and frequency through your unique voice.

We will deeply explore the potential of our Soul Song by weaving our life force energy with the resonance of our voice and the truth that we know deeply in our hearts.

Once we align our voice with the rhythm of the Universe, our songs become vessels of healing and empowerment.

with satnadar and Hamaima

Please contact Sat Nadar for more details and to book your place:

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Wider Horizon's Imbolc Winter Warmer in Norfolk, UK
to Feb 3

Wider Horizon's Imbolc Winter Warmer in Norfolk, UK

Calling young adults who want to dive deep, widen horizons and explore things that really matter!

Would you like to help create a better world and experience more meaning, connection and joy in your life? The intention for the weekend is transformation, inspired by wondrous workshops, sacred ceremony and mellifluous music.


Join us at the Wider Horizons Winter Warmer Imbolc Gathering and explore cutting-edge discoveries in science, spirituality, philosophy, health and well-being. Learn about the mysteries of life and all things creative, wild, mystical and conscious from great minds and experts in their fields - healers, explorers, elders, druids, artists and musicians. Practise tools for self-care and healing. Raise your awareness of social and eco-activist issues and develop tools to become an effective changemaker, empowered to create a better future from a place of peace and deepened understanding of yourself and life. There’s a fancy dress party on Saturday night, drumming and dancing around the fire and live music by top musicians.

For more details and to book please visit the Wider Horizons site

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4:00 AM04:00

Kakao Zeremonie - Erdung und Verbundenheit - in Oberbauerschaft

Wir laden Euch herzlich ein auf einen Nachmittag der Erdung und Verbundenheit mit einer Schamanischen Reise, gemeinsamen Singen, authentischem Teilen und natürlich der herzöffnenden Medizin Kakao.

An dem Tag werde ich hineinspüren auf welche Reise wir uns begeben werden. Die Intention ist, daß wir uns an unser wahres Selbst erinnern und durch die Gemeinsamkeit im sicheren Raum loslassen können von Themen, die uns zurückhalten.

Gerne etwas zum Essen (vegan) mitbringen zum späteren Beisammensein.

Matten und Decken sind vorhanden.

Anmeldungen durch Ludger 0179 7774878

Wir freuen uns auf Euch

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7:00 PM19:00

Keepers of Ancient Energies - Cacao Ceremony in Berlin

Join us on a magical journey amplified by the heart medicine Cacao, Medicine Music and enchanted Soundscapes to learn about the ancient energies of the Feminine and Masculine that you are the Keepers of. 

When in balance the dance of these two sacred energies is a spectacle of great beauty wherein the male and female energy worship each other and celebrate their cooperation and playful joining - manifesting creation as it is meant to be. 

You all are the keepers of these ancient energies within you, and it is your birthright to make their partnership equal and joyful. 

In this ceremony you will discover potentially imbalanced energies and bring a more harmonious flow and increased creativity into your lives. 

Please email to book your place 💫

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New Earth Immersion for Lightworkers in West Cork, Ireland
to Sep 8

New Earth Immersion for Lightworkers in West Cork, Ireland

We are calling those who are ready to remember and embody their divine purpose to an immersion into the energies of the New Earth.

Many of us sensitive souls are struggling with the dense energies that are still present on our planet Earth. We might not feel at home here with a lingering sense of not belonging and we find it hard to witness how the old energies are playing out right now through wars, power struggles, greed, abuse, materialism and more.

anchoring the energies of the new earth

These old energies are about to die out, but it takes every single one of us to break out of the old structures and create the new realities that our Mother Earth is asking for.

Let’s unite so we can enter the New Earth in our full humanness by embracing our light as well as our shadow and bring in fresh energies that are born from love and not from fear.

Featuring Plant Medicine, Yoga, Ceremonies, Shamanic Journeys, Cacao, Kambo, Crystal Grid Activation and Ecstatic Dance with Hamaima, Luke McGrane, Kelsey Nielson and Patrick James

More details here

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Our Inner Children Cacao Ceremony in Cork, Ireland
9:00 AM09:00

Our Inner Children Cacao Ceremony in Cork, Ireland

Join us in sacred circle to journey deeply into the dream time through shamanic soundscapes, medicine songs, prayer and guided meditation. 

The emphasis of this ceremony will be to connecting with our inner children, who might hold deep wounding, but also carry our very own magic and the key for us to ground our energy on Earth. 

When we tune into the children within they let us know what they/we truly need to recover and to lead a healthy, happy and empowered life.  

Let’s embrace and re-integrate those Children as they might have carried a heavy burden for us and alchemise our pain and struggles into loving power. 

A journey that will help you to listen to your body and your emotions and to cultivate self-love and self-care and nurture.

Once your inner children feel seen, loved and taken care of, they will quickly recover and bring many blessings into your life.

Email Luke book.

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The Mayan Heart in Glastonbury
to Aug 25

The Mayan Heart in Glastonbury

 A weekend held by the ancient wisdom of Mayan Tata Izaias Sajvin Mendoza

In celebration and honour of life.

We shall culitvate a deep remembrance for the power of prayer and ceremony.

Communing with the Divine through the cosmic technology of fire.

Weaving our hearts with the spirit of Cacao.

Receiving the Mayan cosmovision through the Tz’olkin


with Tata Izaias Sajvin Mendoza



Saturday Fire Ceremony

The Sacred Mayan calendar Tz’olkin has been alive for thousands of years and provides an ancient map of remembrance connecting us with Spirit and the energies that make us who we are.

 During a Mayan Fire Ceremony we make special offerings such as copal, herbs and flowers to ask for the protection of our people, abundance, well-being of family and community. We invoke the spirit of nature through words, elements, colours, shapes to receive in reciprocity.

This will be a magical introduction to Mayan Cosmovision and a powerful tool to create the change that you want to see in yourself and in the world.

With music by Anna and Hamaima

Sunday Cacao Ceremony

Cacao is one of the Sacred foods of the Mayans (The food of the Gods).

In between the Aztecs and the Mayan Languages it is called Yoyotl Eztli which means the blood of the heart, blood of mother earth, blood of our ancestors.

Cacao Ceremonies are attuned with the nahual (Mayan sign) of the particular day of the ceremony. This energy guides you in your healing, forgiveness, understanding and acceptance whilst opening new spaces in your consciousness. 

With music by Anna and Hamaima

The ceremony will take place in a Tipi on the beautiful land, stewarded by the crops not shops community, close to Glastonbury.

We encourage you to come for the whole weekend. There is plenty of space for camping and we have all the necessary facilities needed for a beautiful experience.



Saturday August 24th

Arrival 1 pm

2 pm - 6.30 pm Mayan Fire and Cacao Ceremony

6.30 pm Dinner

7.30 pm Songs around the fire


Sunday, 25th of August

8 am Light Breakfast

9 am - 12.30 Mayan Cacao Ceremony with Izaias

1 pm Lunch

2.30 Departure

Energy Exchange

for the whole weekend £180

For Saturday’s Fire Ceremony including dinner and Song Circle £85

For Sunday’s Cacao Ceremony including lunch  £65


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Mayan Cacao Ceremony with Izaias and Hamaima in London
9:00 AM09:00

Mayan Cacao Ceremony with Izaias and Hamaima in London

Join this magical ceremony to learn about the origins of the medicine of Cacao and experience the teachings of the Mayan Cosmovision shared by Izaias Mendoza from Lava Love Cacao, who will join us all the way from Lake Atitlan in Guatemala

Cacao is one of the Sacred foods of the Mayans (The food of the Gods).

In between the Aztecs and the Mayan Languages it is called Yoyotl Eztli which means the blood of the heart, blood of mother earth, blood of our ancestors.

Cacao Ceremonies are attuned with the nahual (Mayan sign) of the particular day of the ceremony. This energy guides you in your healing, forgiveness, understanding and acceptance whilst opening new spaces in your consciousness.

Cacao, or Mama Cacao how we like to call her, gives us clarity in the mind, opens the heart and expands our consciousness.

She is a powerful creativity enhancer and opens our voice to express ourselves from a place of love and connection.

You will experience Cacao, Mayan Cosmovision, Guided Meditation, Medicine Music from all over the world with Hamaima and you will have the opportunity to ask questions.

Come and join us to gift yourself and your loved ones a beautiful gift.

7 pm - 10 pm. Energy exchange £65

E-Mail to save your spot!

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Colibri Spirit Festival in Corfu, Greece
to Aug 9

Colibri Spirit Festival in Corfu, Greece

COLIBRI SPIRIT FESTIVAL - CO-CREATING HEAVEN ON EARTH🪽 in Corfu, Greece, August 4th - 9th (For you a gift of a 20 % discount. Please see link below) 

Join us on a sacred journey of connection, healing arts and love on the Colibri Farm on Corfu island. 

Colibri Farm, Corfu Island, Greece: A spiritually supercharged and energetically vibrant location with purpose on sacred grounds above the Mediterranean Sea 

We are coming together as a global family! 

Six curated days of consciousness raising Medicine Music, Yoga, Movement & Dance, Wisdom Talks, Meditation, Workshops, Ceremonies and Healers by world class artists, renowned thought leaders and beloved indigenous leaders such as The Yawanawà & Marubo tribe.  

Colibri Spirit Festival is bringing together a beautiful community of renowned world class artists and teachers from all over the world to awaken our sense of belonging within nature alongside an intimate yet powerful circle of exceptional souls: Ajeet, The Hanuman Project and so many more will be sharing their music and sacred movement to vitalize our connection to mind, body, spirit and community. Beloved indigenous leaders such as Putanny and Nixiwaká (Chiefs of the Yawanawá Tribe) will be sharing their music & teachings. 

Every sold ticket is an action for a brighter, interconnected world. ALL profits made with the festival go into the Colibri Foundation’s projects that aim to:

Revolutionize education through a holistic model.

Promote global conservation and restoration of natural and animal habitats.

Empower indigenous tribes.

Support leaders, innovators, and entrepreneurs driving positive global change.  

Receive your 20 % discount by booking through this link

With the Discount Code COLIBRI20

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Our Inner Children Plant Medicine Retreat in Skåne, Sweden with Nina Medicina and Hamaima
to Jul 28

Our Inner Children Plant Medicine Retreat in Skåne, Sweden with Nina Medicina and Hamaima

Join us on our 5 day healing retreat in the stunning Swedish countryside where we will focus on connecting with our Inner Children, who might hold some wounding and at the same time great magic.

When we tune into their energies our Inner Children will let us know what we truly need to lead a healthy, happy and empowered life.

Rather than avoiding the heavier emotions that they might carry it is important to turn toward the pain that holds you back and to embrace that what resists, with love and tenderness.

Help your inner children to feel safe again

During this retreat we will help you learn to listen to the needs of your Inner Children, to hold them in their pain and fear as long as it takes. Once they recover they will bring wonderful blessings into your lives.

Featuring Plantmedicine, Breathwork, Kundalini Yoga, Cacao, Voice Activation, Shamanic Journey, Medicine Music and Dance with Nina Medicina and Hamaima

More details here

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The New Earth - Cacao Ceremony in Dalston, London
5:00 AM05:00

The New Earth - Cacao Ceremony in Dalston, London

This ceremony is a transformative journey to experience and anchor in the energies of the New Earth amplified by the medicine of Cacao, energy transmissions, guiding words and magical sound scapes.

Are you struggling with not feeling at home on Earth?

Do the energies that are flooding the planet feel too much for you to integrate?

Are you ready to break out of old structures and enter the consciousness of the New Earth, but the density around you makes it seem impossible?

Then join us in sacred circle with like minded souls so you can arrive fully in your current incarnation and integrate the new energies, let go of old stories, rewrite new empowered ones and lead a healthier, happier and more abundant life.

We create the New Earth - every single one of us - with every thought, word and action. Let’s unite and step into our limitless potential as the powerful Beings of Light that we came here to be.

Message Gonul to book +44 7964 690590

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The Elemental Temple Festival in Oxfordshire, UK
to Jun 23

The Elemental Temple Festival in Oxfordshire, UK

A Magical, Mystical, Medicinal, Elemental Celebratory Festival:

Join us for an all encompassing shamanic experience of Sacred Ceremony, Earth Worship, Sonic Healing & Cosmic Transformation.

Within our magical crystalline healing grid, created especially for Transformation and spiritual ascension, we will chant and dance out under the stars and enjoy the precious Rays of Ra as we gather in tribe and serenade the longest day of the year.

Celebrate this auspicious time in superb ceremonial style with Yoga, Meditation, Mantra, Cacao, Drumming, Massage, Prayer, Sacred Sound, Transmissions, Kosmic Kundalini, Serpent Healing and Super sonic psychedelic Djs, Live Electronic Acts and Acoustic Legends.

Fundraising for the        
Plumed Serpent Sanctuary

More details and booking here

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Ceremonial Womb and Plant Medicine Retreat in the Netherlands with Nathalia and Hamaima
to Jun 9

Ceremonial Womb and Plant Medicine Retreat in the Netherlands with Nathalia and Hamaima

We are gathering our sisters to sit in sacred ceremony, share our stories, to dive deeply into the fruitful and rich darkness of our wombs and connect with our inner Wise Woman. 

Embark with us on a 4 day journey of self-exploration and remembrance starting on the June New Moon (June 6).

We will journey with you into the depths of your womb, where we may be faced with the darker aspects of ourselves, with feelings of shame, guilt, despair, but at the same time this is the seat of our creative power, our profound ancestral wisdom and our connection to Mother Earth

Liberate your womb from heavy energies

Through merging our experience and a variety of healing modalities we will lead you lovingly and safely into the darkness of your wombs, where you will come a step closer to experience and embody your unique, divine essence.

Together with you we will create an energy vortex of gratitude and healing that we will offer to our Mother Earth and all Beings.

Featuring Plant Medicine, Yoga, Ceremonies, Shamanic Journeys, Womb Activation, Selfcare Rituals, Sisterhood, Voice Activation and Chakra Alignment with Hamaima and Nathalia.

More details here

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Heart Chakra Activation - Cacao Ceremony in Kildare, Ireland with Niamh and Hamaima
8:00 AM08:00

Heart Chakra Activation - Cacao Ceremony in Kildare, Ireland with Niamh and Hamaima

Symbolising the opening of feelings, compassion, and the capacity to love, the Heart Chakra is where Heaven and Earth harmoniously unite in balance.
In an open heart, conflicts dissolve, and heart-centered compassion flourishes, offering universal and unconditional love that brings about a sense of wholeness. Recognised as the ultimate healing force across various spiritual traditions.

There is no limit to love that is available to you, but for most of us there is a limit to the amount of love we are able to receive. Instead of doubting and making yourself small, start to accept all of your magnificent Self and learn to embrace and love the aspects that you consider not to be "perfect”.

Join Niamh and Hamaima in a soulful gathering to open and activate your heart chakra. Through the magic of Cacao Medicine, Biofield Tuning, Meditation, Medicine Music, and Prayer, this experience will empower you to choose love over fear and fully receive the unconditional support always available to you.
It's a magical journey of self-discovery and love.

Location: The Yurt in Kildare, Ireland

Reserve your spot through Niamh’s webshop or DM us for the direct link.⁣⁣⁣

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The Power of Your Throat Chakra - Cacao Ceremony in Kildare, Ireland with Niamh and Hamaima
8:00 AM08:00

The Power of Your Throat Chakra - Cacao Ceremony in Kildare, Ireland with Niamh and Hamaima

Embark on a transformative journey with Niamh and Hamaima as they guide you through a gorgeous Cacao Ceremony, Biofield Tuning, Meditation, Medicine Music, and Voice Activation, all aimed at connecting with and opening your Throat Chakra.

This chakra is a gateway to truth, the power of words, and the art of effective communication.

As your Throat Chakra blossoms, you'll tune into your inner voice and unveil your authentic self. This energy empowers you to seek knowledge beyond the constraints of time, space, as well as cultural and family conditioning.

As a communication center, it not only allows you to express who you are and what you stand for but also enables you to listen consciously to others, establishing more profound connections.

Immerse yourself in the power of deep listening, transformative sound, and song, revealing your True Self and allowing its authentic expression.

Location: The Yurt in Kildare, Ireland

Secure your spot through Niamh’s webshop or DM us for the direct link.⁣⁣⁣

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Ancestral Prayer Plant Medicine Retreat in Roscommon, Ireland
to May 19

Ancestral Prayer Plant Medicine Retreat in Roscommon, Ireland

There is possibly nothing more powerful than remembering and praying for our ancestors. Though it may be challenging to extend forgiveness and love to ancestors who have caused suffering or pain, it is through this act of forgiveness that we can begin to heal the wounds of the past and break free from the burdens of ancestral karma. For as long as we hold onto resentment, the cycle of dysfunction and abuse will continue to echo through the generations.

Honour those who walked before you

Every single one of your Ancestors made it possible for you to be here and you are carrying a little piece of them in you. Let’s think of and pray for them letting them know that they are loved and will always be part of this family.

Join us for this 4 day journey to remember, appreciate and make peace with those who walked before you and made it possible for you to be here.

Your ancestors love you and the greatest joy you can bring them is to step into your power, share your gifts and talents and walk in peace and beauty on this Earth.

For this unique offering Hamaima and her team will weave their magic together to a tapestry of deep self-exploration and healing.

Each of the facilitators has extensive experience in their field bringing together a variety of modalities from different corners of the World that will support you in connecting with the energies that your Ancestors have passed on to you.

Featuring Plant Medicine, Yoga, Ceremonies, Shamanic Journeys, Cacao, Kambo, Crystal Grid Activation, Art Therapy and Ecstatic Dance with Hamaima, Luke McGrane, Kelsey Nielson and Patrick James

More details here

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Ancestral Healing Cacao Ceremony in Cork, Ireland
8:00 AM08:00

Ancestral Healing Cacao Ceremony in Cork, Ireland

Many Ancestors have walked before us and made it possible for us to be here, but how few do we remember?

Know that the energies present with you right now have been brought forward through your ancestral lines.

Your ancestors were at the time unable to heal disempowered stories and dissolve the energetic patterns holding them, but they are now lovingly watching your process and celebrate your potential of becoming.

Remembering and honouring all of your ancestors, the loved ones as well as the challenging ones, is a practice that will help you to get to know yourself even more and fully stand in your power.

Amplified by the medicine of Cacao Hamaima will take you on a Shamanic Journey enhanced by sound scapes, medicine songs and guiding words so you can open to the energy of your ancestors to fully receive their support and loving guidance.

Please email Luke: for more details and to book.

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Die Neue Erde - Kakaozeremonie 04.05. and 05.05. in Rödinghausen, NRW, Deutschland (held in German)
5:00 AM05:00

Die Neue Erde - Kakaozeremonie 04.05. and 05.05. in Rödinghausen, NRW, Deutschland (held in German)

Wir laden Euch herzlich ein mit uns in den heiligen Kreis zu treten um auf eine Traum Reise zu gehen, zu teilen, zu beten und uns mit den Energien der Neuen Erde zu verbinden.

Habt Ihr Probleme damit, Euch auf der Erde zu Hause zu fühlen? Empfindet Ihr die Energien, die den Planeten überfluten, als zu viel? Seid Ihr bereit, aus alten Strukturen auszubrechen und in das Bewusstsein der Neuen Erde einzutreten, aber die Dichte um Euch herum scheint es unmöglich zu machen?

Lasst uns gemeinsam hier auf der Erde ankommen und die neuen Energien integrieren, alte Geschichten loslassen so daß wir neue schreiben können.

Mit Medizin Musik, Klang Heilung, Meditation und natürlich mit Lava Love Kakao aus Guatemala.

Es ist Zeit, daß wir in unserer aktuellen Inkarnation mit Freude und Hoffnung ankommen ✨🐉✨

Bitte bei Ute Grotemeier anmelden, Whats App +49 15120783764.

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Wayeb - Mayan New Year Celebrations with Lava Love Cacao Lake Atitlan, Guatemala
to Feb 20

Wayeb - Mayan New Year Celebrations with Lava Love Cacao Lake Atitlan, Guatemala

  • Google Calendar ICS

WAYEB 2024

I am excited about supporting my Mayan Family from Lava Love Cacao during their New Year’s ceremonies. These 5 days are considered “No time in the Mayan Calendar”, when we will gather at sacred sites in an around San Marcos, Lake Atitlan for cleansing and purification, manifestation of new projects and to attract new energies to rise as human beings to guide others. 

A period of 5 days within the agriculture calendar 5 day time out of time, before the New Year.

Gathering in community to celebrate with cleansing, making spaces, confirming, manifesting, planting the seed for the New Mayan Year Lord Kablajuj (12) No’j, energy of understanding, knowledge, thoughts, wisdom for this year the New Year is on Feb 19th. We are celebrating with Fire, cacao, plants, tobacco, copal, plant baths, sacred talk, temazcal, singing circles.

Places: Main place of meeting at Lavalove Cacao - Space in San Marcos, Lake Atitlan Guatemala.

More information here on the here

Lets celebrate together, Welcome, Utz qa petik.

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Ancestral Prayer Circle in Berlin - Kreuzberg
2:00 AM02:00

Ancestral Prayer Circle in Berlin - Kreuzberg

Join us in circle of prayer, where we will enter a gentle healing space, facilitated by experienced space holders from different backgrounds.

Your prayers will be carried and amplified by the spirit of the fire, devotional music, medicinal offerings, and communal presence - harmoniously weaving our energies together with the ancestral spirits of this land.

We intend to create a judgement free and safe container, where we recognise each other as our own healers and teachers. A co-creation where we share our prayers, gifts and talents.

Due to the nature of this work, we ask for you to reserve your space a few days in advance along with a 1on1 consultation, to ensure that all are sufficiently prepared and are entering the container with respect.

Please message me if you have questions and to book.

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