A weekend held by the ancient wisdom of Mayan Tata Izaias Sajvin Mendoza
In celebration and honour of life.
We shall culitvate a deep remembrance for the power of prayer and ceremony.
Communing with the Divine through the cosmic technology of fire.
Weaving our hearts with the spirit of Cacao.
Receiving the Mayan cosmovision through the Tz’olkin
with Tata Izaias Sajvin Mendoza
Saturday Fire Ceremony
The Sacred Mayan calendar Tz’olkin has been alive for thousands of years and provides an ancient map of remembrance connecting us with Spirit and the energies that make us who we are.
During a Mayan Fire Ceremony we make special offerings such as copal, herbs and flowers to ask for the protection of our people, abundance, well-being of family and community. We invoke the spirit of nature through words, elements, colours, shapes to receive in reciprocity.
This will be a magical introduction to Mayan Cosmovision and a powerful tool to create the change that you want to see in yourself and in the world.
With music by Anna and Hamaima
Sunday Cacao Ceremony
Cacao is one of the Sacred foods of the Mayans (The food of the Gods).
In between the Aztecs and the Mayan Languages it is called Yoyotl Eztli which means the blood of the heart, blood of mother earth, blood of our ancestors.
Cacao Ceremonies are attuned with the nahual (Mayan sign) of the particular day of the ceremony. This energy guides you in your healing, forgiveness, understanding and acceptance whilst opening new spaces in your consciousness.
With music by Anna and Hamaima
The ceremony will take place in a Tipi on the beautiful land, stewarded by the crops not shops community, close to Glastonbury.
We encourage you to come for the whole weekend. There is plenty of space for camping and we have all the necessary facilities needed for a beautiful experience.
Saturday August 24th
Arrival 1 pm
2 pm - 6.30 pm Mayan Fire and Cacao Ceremony
6.30 pm Dinner
7.30 pm Songs around the fire
Sunday, 25th of August
8 am Light Breakfast
9 am - 12.30 Mayan Cacao Ceremony with Izaias
1 pm Lunch
2.30 Departure
Energy Exchange
for the whole weekend £180
For Saturday’s Fire Ceremony including dinner and Song Circle £85
For Sunday’s Cacao Ceremony including lunch £65