Spirit Yoga Sessions
with Haimaima
what is spirit yoga and how is it different from vinyasa and hatha yoga?
Spirit Yoga is a combination of different yogic and shamanic practices that I have experienced and treasured myself over the last 10 years. Partly influenced by Kundalini Yoga, Hatha and Flow, Spirit Yoga consists of simple yogic techniques that can be enjoyed by everyone, no matter their age or physical ability. It is a complete system, that includes breath, yoga postures, meditation, mantra, medicine songs, sound healing and dance.
what are the benefits of yoga?
Spirit Yoga facilitates an integration of higher vibrational energies as well as peak and/or traumatic experiences that might have shaken your foundations and affected you emotionally, mentally and spiritually. The aim is to help you listen more closely to the wisdom of your body so you can act accordingly to release tension and pain, in other words dense, low- vibrational energies.
why spirit yoga?
Spirit Yoga is a potent and effective system of self-transformation and personal development, that makes you radiant, peaceful and strong so that you can meet life’s challenges with strength, courage and compassion. With a regular practice you will soon feel more grounded and connected and will notice a significant improvement of your general health and well-being.
why yoga retreats and private sessions?
If you want to remember who you truly are, learn how to relax, improve your health, break unwanted habits, access your hidden creative talents or simply have fun and meet your tribe, with Spirit Yoga you have the opportunity to achieve all of those goals.
“Hamaima is an admirable and Amazonian-like yoga teacher who also feels refreshingly down to earth and ‘real’. Though Kundalini yoga isn’t my first choice, I loved her classes on the marvellously deserted beach at Sen Wellness in Sri Lanka and would happily recommend her teaching to others.”