New Earth Immersion for Lightworkers

Medicine Retreat Ireland

west cork, Ireland

September 3-7, 2025

Featuring Shamanic Ceremonies, Yoga, New Earth Guidance, Sacred Sites, Cacao, Kambo and Breathwork

with Hamaima, Luke and Kelsey

Early Bird discount of 10 % until 15th of May


Awaken the New Earth within you

The souls who are prepared to awaken, recall, and fulfill their divine mission are being called forth. Join us to experience a profund activation of the New Earth's radiant energies during a sacred plant medicine retreat in the magical country of Ireland.

As sensitive beings, many of us experience the weight of the dense energies that still exist on Earth. Fear, greed, and separation are the foundations of these emotions, which can make us feel alienated in a world that no longer resonates with us.

Sacred Activismn happens within you

The old paradigms of consumerism, power strife, and conflict are crumbling…. Let’s tear down these antiquated systems by transforming both individually and collectively.

Mother Earth herself invites us to dream and create a world that hums with the frequency of love, to co-create with her.

We shall come together in circle of soul family to travel through the worlds of light and shadow in the magical, emerald landscapes of Ireland. We will learn to embrace the entirety of our humanity by alchemising our suffering into strength and our fears into courage through the use of plant medicine and other transformative practises.

Together, we will become vessels for the radiant energies of the New Earth—energies born not of separation but of connection, not of fear but of love.

This is sacred activation, not just a retreat. We will remind each other of who we are and where we came from -  Lightworkesr with a shared Mission.

It is time to ground ourselves and with that the New Earth's crystalline light codes, to contribute to the global Shift and serve as pillars of calm and beacons of light for those in distress.

The New Earth is here; it is not a far-off dream. With the strength of the present, the wisdom of the ancients, and the hope for a better future, let's enter this new chapter together.


What to expect

Two Medicine ceremonies


Breath work


Shamanic journeys and storytelling

New Earth guidance

Voice activation


Visit to sacred site

Kambo (optional)

Integration circles and support

Vegan/VEGETARIAN meals

Outstanding natural beauty

Hear from past participants

The retreat with Hamaima and her wonderful co-hosts was one of the best experiences for me last year. The location itself is wonderful already.

But the safe space created by the hosts was simply magical and sacred.

It allowed for so much healing and growth for all participants, along with the opportunity to connect with likeminded souls from various countries. I have rarely felt this connected to strangers and went home

with the feeling, that my family of light had grown.

The Plantmedicine Ceremonies were beautifully conducted and very powerful. The supporting

programme of yoga, breathwork, the visit to a sacred site and, last but

not least, the wonderful food rounded off the retreat perfectly.

A clear recommendation for anyone who feels called to work on themselves in

order to support the New Earth with their gifts.
— Anna Laura, Germany

Any questions? Please feel free to reach out to us!


The Venue

About West Cork

The magic of West Cork is lost in words but better felt by a gentle breeze on a rugged cliff face, the singing of birds on a riverbank, welcoming you to its lush woodlands or the awe inspiring golden sun-set over “The Druids Alter”, an ancient, celtic stone circle used to ritualise the sun's movements and the eternal dance between division and union.

West Cork is praised as having some of Ireland's most unique and beautiful expressions of nature, attracting visitors from all over the world. Beaches, cliffs and woodland combine seamlessly to create breathtaking panoramic views. 

The area is steeped in Irish folklore and is truly magical. Stone circles, used in ancient celtic druidic culture, and astrologically aligned provide portals to other realms of consciousness. The celtic mythology tells of the Fae (fairies) folk that watch over these portals, they are highly mischievous and known to be punishing to those that disrespect the land.

Whatever your interests, West Cork is a land worth exploring.


Meet your Facilitators…



Kelsey is a trained Psychologist with a focus on trauma and attachment. Through her own inner work and growth, she has found enormous healing potential through undergoing and then integrating non-ordinary states of consciousness into her everyday awareness. Kelsey's healing path ultimately lead her to begin working with the master plant Ayahuasca in 2018, and since then she has held space in a variety of ceremonies in Ireland, UK, US, Colombia and Mexico. 

Kelsey’s purpose is to help people reconnect with themselves, release trauma, find their own route to inner peace, and gain more understanding of their psyche and its complex network of influences. Outside of ceremony settings, Kelsey has her own private practice where she offers holistic psychotherapy and integration, yoga and breathwork practices, shamanic journeying and dream analysis.


Luke was catapulted into the world of healing at age 18 in crisis when he was forced to confront and begin integrating his acquired and inherited trauma. Exploring different modalities of healing as the participant and facilitator has given him a broad understanding of the healing path.

Part of his healing journey has led him to participate and work in ceremony spaces in Ireland, England, Spain, Mexico, Colombia and Guatemala, even spending time living and working closely with different Latin-American plant medicine circles and curanderos.

He is a qualified Osteopath, Cranio-Sacral therapist and Yoga teacher and is body-centric in many of his approaches to healing. His current quest is to embody the change he would like to see in the world and explore what it means to be a self-actualized man in modern times.


Hamaima is a Shamanic Practitioner, Musician, Sound Healer and Spirit Yoga Teacher with many years of experience in holding space for yoga classes, workshops, ceremonies and retreats world wide. In her work she combines ancient practices from different spiritual traditions to guide and empower those, who feel drawn to the vibration she carries.

Through ancient womb wisdom, inner child work, ancestral healing and cosmic guidance she enables in you an increased state of balance, grounding and harmony.

Hamaima guides you in a playful, creative and equally powerful way, so you experience deep healing and at the same time learn simple tools, that will help you remember “who you are”.


Find out more about Hamaima’s story here and in the Lui Podcast Remembering with Hamaima

Shared Accommodation 888 €

Single Accommodation 1200 €

Early Bird discount Ends May15

We also offer payment plans


To book or enquire, please send an email to Luke or reach out below.


New Earth Immersion Plant Medicine Retreat Ireland - Frequently Asked Questions

  • This retreat is for those who are ready to embrace their light and shadow, activate each other, and co-create the new realities that Mother Earth is asking for. It is ideal for sensitive souls who struggle with the current dense energies on Earth and feel a sense of not belonging. You do not need prior experience with this work. Just come as you are - everybody is welcome.

  • Participants will engage in plant medicine ceremonies and activities designed to help them connect deeply with their divine purpose, embrace their full humanness, and anchor in the energies of the New Earth. The retreat aims to bring in fresh energies born from love and not from fear.

  • The retreat is a collective effort to break out of old structures and create new realities. By coming together, participants can help each other activate their energies and serve as beacons of light and stability for those who are lost and in need of guidance.

  • Preparation involves setting a clear intention for your journey, maintaining an open mind, and being ready to embrace both your light and shadow. It's also beneficial to engage in practices that promote mental, emotional, and physical well-being leading up to the retreat.

  • The New Earth describes a vibrational frequency that becomes more and more available to us. Gradually humans who are choosing to be part of the shift as well as planet Earth herself increase their vibration. Together with Earth as a multidimensional being we are shifting into the 5th dimension.

    Changing the frequency puts a lot of pressure on old patterns and structures in and around us. The higher energies that are flooding the planet right now are squeezing denser matter, liberating and transforming the old so that lighter energies can emerge.

    The diamonds are being polished so to say.

    Some Humans find a way to resist this process and choose to remain in density. Often this comes with a tendency to numb themselves with substances, entertainment and destructive behaviour.

    Afraid of being confronted with their own fears they choose to remain in the “false comfort” of the old and additionally to that judge those who try something different and change the way they live their lives.

    This judgement of course also stems from fear, so let’s have compassion for each other.

    The New Earth is an energy that is available, but not accessible for everyone right now. There will always be an open invite for everyone to join however.

    Once we shifted entirely into the 5th dimension we will experience peace and beauty. We will live in communities that are loving and supportive, where everyone contributes with their unique gifts and skills. We will live in harmony with our Mother Earth and give back to her for what we take. At some point we will be able to nourish ourselves solely through light. We will treat our animals as equals and treasure their presence.

    Healers will no longer be required as we will have dealt with our traumas. Karma will be a thing of the past. We will live peacefully and joyfully in conscious partnerships and will educate our children in a way that is most supportive to them.

    We will evolve into beings of light without form. But this will be further down the line. In the meantime we will have the incredible gift of living together as higher vibrational beings, that enjoy physical contact and material expression.

    We all have moments like this already when we are amongst like minded souls. But there are times when we get pulled back into the old energies. Maybe we encounter someone or a group of people with lower energy, maybe it comes to a confrontation even.

    We might get exposed to manipulative information through the media.

    Possible this makes as question what we believe in, we might falter in our hope and positive outlook. I invite you to regard these moments as valuable lessons as they will make it easier to understand and be compassionate towards those who are afraid to let go of the old.

    We still have the chance to nudge those who are open to a different reality into the direction of the New Earth.

    Don’t however spend too much energy on the ones that are stuck deeply in their old ways as they have signed up to study density for a little longer. It will be their time one day as well…

    For now focus on yourself and your own energetic field. Make it your mission to raise your vibration through every thought, word and action. Observe yourself carefully and stop judging yourself.

    The New Earth is created as we speak through every single one of us. What does not yet feel in alignment on the outside is out of balance within yourself.

    Hold a clear vision of how you would like the New Earth to look like and so it shall be. Prepare yourself to be amazed!

    All of you have shown immense courage to once again incarnate into human form despite your knowledge on a soul level, that you will most likely forget your true origin and your magic when you “land” here.

    You came here to continue to learn and evolve. You came here as part of the collective consciousness with your own unique vibration and purpose. The pain and challenges you might experience are part of a grander plan, which you have co-created before you incarnated.

  • With increased consciousness you will navigate those challenges (or better opportunities) with more ease and you will be able to see the blessings in everything you experience. And most importantly don’t be afraid of the darkness.

    If you want to hold a higher vibration of light you will have to visit the darkest places of your inner realm. As Rumi said so beautifully: “The wound is where the light enters.”

    Instead of going into the darkness as a victim however, go with an open courageous heart and with a trusted guide by your side.

  • Go and find those abandoned parts of yourself. Visualise your fear, your shame, your guilt, your despair as neglected children. What these children want is for you to see them, love them, to no longer make them wrong, to embrace them and fully acknowledge them as parts of you, that make you the magnificent being that you are.

    Feel all those feelings in their full immensity.

    A short while is enough. What is needed is your acknowledgement without judgement - Your unconditional love for everything without exception. Please no longer shy away from looking deep within. Use the breath to surrender and go even deeper, let go....

    Your resistance is what makes this so painful. Do not be afraid. All is made of the energy of love and everything is here for you.

    In the darkest darkness lay the seeds for the most brilliant light, a vibration so high, that you could have never dreamt of. Your potential is limitless magical beings of light.

  • Discover what your unique frequency is and hold this so that all that is of denser vibration has the option to transform, if it wishes to do so, making sure to cast nothing or no one out. This of course starts within ourselves.

    I pray that collectively we will find more compassion and ways to support each other so we can step over the threshold of the New Dawn as the wise teachers that we came here to be, in our complete humanness

    Lets create a force field of peace that will give those in fear the opportunity to lay down their weapons. Don’t lose faith in this assignment, as more and more of us will find each other.

  • Every generation comes to this planet with a higher vibration than the one before and they also bring very little Karma with them according to channeled Beings.

    The new children (which started arriving in the mid 70s as the first Indigo children) are highly sensitive, often struggle in mainstream school systems as they are misunderstood, wrongly diagnosed with ADHD etc. That can lead to them shutting down, escapism, trying to conform with the societal norms and being deeply unhappy because of that.

    I am sure many of us can relate.

    The generations before us have been our way showers, forerunners and have made it a little easier for us to be authentically ourselves. Children who are born in these current times come with an altered DNA that already carries the consciousness of the New Earth. I believe that it is our job to make the new children feel welcome on this planet, to show them how beautiful it is here, to create a safe environment for them to thrive.

    No matter how old we are our inner children need the same attention and care. Check in with them regularly. What do they need to feel safe, free and joyful. This will lead to you feeling the same way and only then can you bring your unique frequency through.

  • Let’s ground in and anchor the energies of the New Earth by creating safe containers for All physically, energetically and emotionally. Find ways to be centered, grounded and present, to carry the energies of love, gratitude, presence and humility.

    Courageous measures are asked for such as moving out of big cities to remove yourselves from the collective field of fear.

    Let go of the old belief systems around how you should live your life as they are outdated representations of the Old Earth. Together we can do this!

The New Earth Plant Medicine Retreat Ireland - Reserve Your Spot

Ready to Integrate the Energies of the New Earth? Join us as we come together to embrace our humanness

Interested in more Retreats with Hamaima?

Learn more about her offerings all over the world: