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Our Inner Children Cacao Ceremony in Cork, Ireland

Join us in sacred circle to journey deeply into the dream time through shamanic soundscapes, medicine songs, prayer and guided meditation. 

The emphasis of this ceremony will be to connecting with our inner children, who might hold deep wounding, but also carry our very own magic and the key for us to ground our energy on Earth. 

When we tune into the children within they let us know what they/we truly need to recover and to lead a healthy, happy and empowered life.  

Let’s embrace and re-integrate those Children as they might have carried a heavy burden for us and alchemise our pain and struggles into loving power. 

A journey that will help you to listen to your body and your emotions and to cultivate self-love and self-care and nurture.

Once your inner children feel seen, loved and taken care of, they will quickly recover and bring many blessings into your life.

Email Luke book.