The energy is building.....Solstice Weekend

This is possibly the biggest month of this year energetically due the Solstice, the arrival of the New Moon and the Solar Eclipse. 

I think it is safe to say: It is all happening... Within us and outside of us. 

This Solstice weekend has the potential for a massive clearing of that was is no longer in alignment with us. We can finally let go of the old 3D time lines and align ourselves with the 5D time lines.

It really is not possible any more to hide anything away or hide FROM anything. If we continue to resist looking at and getting to know our shadows, then we better be prepared for a massive cosmic slap if there ever was one...

Every one of us has a divine purpose and we are called forth NOW to use our gifts and talents! You are a light worker, who has chosen to be on this planet at this time of transformation so you can assist with this process. 

YES!!! That’s you! Please don’t be afraid of your power any longer, to ruffle feathers, to let go of old relationships and to take those leaps of faith. We really don’t have time for petty games and bulls....... anymore. 

We are in the middle of a radical shift, which doesn’t leave any stone unturned. Don’t be afraid of what you will find. It is all part of the collective consciousness and so more courageous and honest we are with ourselves so more we can heal on a collective level. 

Stay in your centre, receive those light codes that are offered to us right now and ground them into the Earth through your physical body. If old energies are moving through your field, then let them do that, observe what is happening without judgment, rest as much as you need to and know that this too shall pass. And if you can fully surrender, then you will rise up and fly...

Stay present and connect with your tribe. Together we are strong!

I won’t go into more details regarding the astrology, as there are many people who have a much better understanding of this. But I can highly recommend and

“On this new journey that is slowly unfolding, more people will begin to awaken and tap into abilities they never knew they had. The discovery of these abilities will help to shift and change how we approach things as a society. While we will feel this on an individual level, there is a greater sense here that this more about the collective and the journey of the planet as a whole.” 

Happy Solstice!!!!
