Mission on Earth - New Earth Guidance

Do you find yourself feeling lost amidst the chaos of shifting energies and uncertain times?

You're not alone. At Mission on Earth, we understand the challenges of navigating this profound period of transition. That's why we've created a haven for souls like yours, seeking guidance, support, and community as they embark on their journey of awakening and integration into the New Earth paradigm.

We are a sanctuary for souls seeking guidance, support, and community as they embark on their journey of awakening and integration into the New Earth paradigm - and the best part is you can join from the comfort of your own home.

Welcome to Mission on Earth - Online New Earth Guidance

Join us in Co-Creating the New Earth and Embrace Change as Catalysts for Growth and Unity

In this moment of profound transition, the world is undergoing a remarkable shift in consciousness. As old structures crumble and paradigms dissolve, we find ourselves amidst a sea of change, both collectively and individually. It is within this turbulent yet transformative landscape that I had the vision to create a supportive community to help you navigate this shift as well as support the ascension process of our planet Earth.

Welcome to Mission on Earth - your sanctuary for navigating the transformative energies of our evolving world

Mission on Earth consists of a team of compassionate practitioners consisting of individuals, who have gone through this shift themselves and are now dedicated to share their experience and providing personalized guidance and support to others on their journey of awakening.

Join us as we embrace the transformative power of this moment in history and co-create a new reality grounded in love, compassion, and unity.

Spiritual Guidance 1:1 Sessions with Hamaima to help you arrive in your current incarnation and ground the New Earth Energies

We live in transformative times, filled with immense potential to become the best versions of ourselves.

Yet, during phases of change and transformation, you may feel lost and disconnected from what once anchored you.

Perhaps your relationship feels empty or even unbearable. Maybe certain friendships no longer resonate, leaving you with an urge to create new, healthier connections.

Your career might no longer fulfill you, yet the path forward feels unclear.

This inner shift often brings upheaval—sometimes accompanied by unexplained health concerns or emotional and mental challenges.

As you evolve, old stories may resurface—not to haunt you, but to offer an opportunity for healing and growth, inviting you to rewrite them with empowerment.

You are changing. And while that can feel unsettling, it is also an invitation to step into something greater.

I am here to walk this path with you.

With years of experience as a Social Worker, Coach, and Shamanic Practitioner, I have developed a holistic and intuitive approach to guide you on your personal and spiritual journey.

I create a safe, nurturing space where you can explore, heal, and reconnect—with clarity, purpose, and a deeper sense of Self.

Learn to fully ground in your physical body and navigate this reality with confidence and joy.

Harmonizing your Individual Needs with

  • Soul Talk

  • Inner Child Healing

  • Transmissions

  • Energy Healing

  • Guided Meditation

  • Soul Retrieval

  • Ancestral Healing

  • Womb Healing

  • Starseed Attunment

  • Coaching

Are you ready to break out of old structures and enter the consciousness of the New Earth?

Book a free 15 min introductory call

Take the first step towards aligning with the energies of the New Earth and unlock your highest potential. Complete this form to schedule a free 15 min introductory call with Hamaima today and embark on a journey of transformation and empowerment.

Hamaima cracks your heart open and puts it back together” and you emerge having received so much love, wisdom and renewed energy. I have more trust than ever before. It’s so magical, it’s indescribable in anything others than simple words.

If you want to experience pure magic, I really can’t recommend Hamaima
— Bernie
I had the pleasure and privilege to do a one on one with Hamaima recently and it was profound. Furthermore, later in the day I had what I can only be described as an incredible ‘upgrade’ (whilst awake) where I experienced a tangible positive shift within my mind and body. This session I feel has altered everything with me now feeling lighter, brighter and more grounded. Deepest gratitude Hamaima. The alchemy you affect is beyond amazing - I highly recommend.”
— - Suzie

What is the New Earth?

A Paradigm Shift in Consciousness

The New Earth describes a vibrational frequency that becomes more and more available to us. Gradually those who are choosing to be part of the shift as well as planet Earth herself increase their vibration. Together with Earth as a multidimensional being we are shifting into the 5th dimension.

Transforming Pressure into Liberation

Changing the frequency puts a lot of pressure on old patterns and structures in and around us. The higher energies that are flooding the planet right now are squeezing denser matter, liberating and transforming the old so that lighter energies can emerge.

The diamonds are being polished so to say.

Facing Resistance with Love and Compassion

Some of us find a way to resist this process and choose to remain in density. Often this comes with a tendency to numb themselves with substances, entertainment and destructive behaviour.

Afraid of being confronted with their own fears they choose to remain in the “false comfort” of the old and additionally to that judge those who try something different and change the way they live their lives.

This judgement of course also stems from fear, so let’s have compassion for each other.

The New Earth is an energy that is available, but not accessible for everyone right now. There will always be an open invite for everyone to join however.

How Does the 5th Dimension look like and when will we reach it?

(Please remember that time does not exist and the New Earth - the 5th Dimension is already available to us. The key is for us to shift into it)

Once we shift entirely into the 5th dimension we experience peace and beauty. We live in communities that are loving and supportive, where everyone contributes with their unique gifts and skills. We live in harmony with our Mother Earth and give back to her for what we take.

At some point we are able to nourish ourselves solely through light. We treat our animals as equals and treasure their presence.

Healers are no longer be required as we have dealt with our traumas. Karma is a thing of the past. We live peacefully and joyfully in conscious partnerships and educate our children in a way that is most supportive to them.

We evolve into beings of light without form. In the menatime we have the incredible gift of living together as higher vibrational beings in physical bodie, that enjoy physical contact and material expression.

How To Navigate the Transformation

We all have moments like this already when we are amongst like minded souls. But there are times when we get pulled back into the old energies. Maybe we encounter someone or a group of people with lower energy, maybe it comes to a confrontation even.

We might get exposed to manipulative information through the media.

Possibly this makes us question what we believe in, we might falter in our hope and positive outlook. I invite you to regard these moments as valuable lessons as they will make it easier to understand and be compassionate towards those who are afraid to let go of the old.

We still have the chance to nudge those who are open to a different reality into the direction of the New Earth.

Don’t however spend too much energy on the ones that are stuck deeply in their old ways as they have signed up to study density for a little longer. It will be their time one day as well…

Embracing the Change with Love and Compassion

For now focus on yourself and your own energetic field. Make it your mission to raise your vibration through every thought, word and action. Observe yourself carefully and stop judging yourself and others.

The New Earth is created as we speak through every single one of us. What does not yet feel in alignment on the outside is out of balance within yourself.

Hold a clear vision of how you would like the New Earth to look like and so it shall be. Prepare yourself to be amazed!

Are You ready to embrace the New Earth?

Schedule a 1:1 Online New Earth Guidance session now and uncover your unique frequency to support the collective evolution!