After having worked with many people over the years and of course have been confronted with my own Inner Child wounding many times, I can't emphasise enough how important it is to connect with and listen to our Inner Children.
Especially in this time of living in the unknown, being restricted in our freedom and bombarded with mostly terrifying news, we can easily feel overwhelmed by our emotions, we might feel unsafe, hurt, afraid, unloved and often a little lost. Emotions represent our Inner Child, that in many of us is crying out loud right now.
Through the way we have been brought up and what is "socially acceptable" we have a whole set of judgements about our own emotions, we don't allow ourselves to feel them, we think we are "pathetic" to express them, because in the grand scheme of things we have nothing to complain about, and/or we have been told that it is not ok to express strong emotions such as anger, grief, sadness etc.
An emotion however does not disappear, but when being unexpressed it will remain and create disturbances in your emotional body and for your Inner Child. Over time this emotion becomes a bigger and bigger energy and therefore much harder to release. The density of it increases and leads to depression and other illnesses.
Rather than suppressing your emotions, allow them in, accept how you are feeling and take responsibility for your emotions without going into the victim mentality. Very strong emotions are said to last only a few seconds and you can let them move through you. Don't fight them, don't make them wrong, don't make yourself wrong. Recognise them as what they are, an energy that wants to express itself. It is also important not to get addicted to these strong emotions by hanging onto them and making them your reality. (Read about the Painbody by Eckhart Tolle)
Connect with your Inner Child on a daily basis by imagining a young child and feel the presence of this pure being, which lets its emotions flow through them without self-judgement and self-doubt.
This child stands for innocence, playfulness, creativity, spontaneity and so much more and has not yet been corrupted by the mind. These are qualities, that you might have forgotten about whilst being busy being an adult. Let this child be your guide, and ask them what they need from you in this moment. Take them into your arms and tell them that they are loved and safe. Let them know that everything is welcome and that you don't reject anything about them.
Make nothing wrong and surround whatever is there with love and compassion. Love every part of you!