“The Womb Healing Retreat with Hamaima and Nathalia was absolutely amazing. I am so grateful for this experience.

On the one hand it was perfectly organized. From the beginning on I felt like being guided very safely through the whole weekend. Everthing seemed to happen in the exactly right moment to me. That gave me the impression, that Nathalia and Hamaima have a lot of experience and know exactly, what they are doing at what time and for which reasons.

On the other hand they both did everthing with so much love, care and wisdom. Their honest humility for the elements, for life and for the soul path of every single one of us, touched me very deeply. And I really appreciate, with how much love for details and devotion they guided and held the ceremonies and the rituals.

A few days after the retreat now I feel a lot stronger than before and more connected to myself and to my pathway (which was my intention). Feels like I made some important big steps in the right direction.

Thank you so much ❤️”